
Final Certificate - Free Role-Playing test

Academy is almost finished Cadet!
Go to your mother system and put all your ship in a single fleet.

Only another task: you have to let you know to the rest of the galaxy.

Write a short story where you introduce your character to the other commanders, through the Public Channel
Remember that Wardrom is a roleplaying game (RPG) too, so player and his character are two different entities.

The character has a story, a race, his own world, and you should try to make it shine through your short story.

Write in RPG mode means forget some words that characters may don't know like 'game', 'server' or other phrases that are not connected to the role game.

WARNING: Public channel is a pure role playing game so offRPG messages can lead to warnings or a temporary ban.

If you don't feel ready to play as a new character, use a standard introduction: copy the text below and paste it in a new message on the public channel... REMEMBER TO WRITE YOUR NAME in the proper space.

Mission 20 - Attack a planet using planetary missiles

With filled missile launchers, your Attack Battleships are now ready to make a planetary attack!
Your planet became an attackable target, go there and retake it!

Missile launch command is located on the bottom right panel.
Remember that every ship armed with a light missile launcher can only take up to 2 missiles so it will be necessary to take control of another AB every time the missile launcher will be empty.

When all planet defences will be destroyed - that is when the planet has 0 fighters - you could then land and take control of it, finishing your mission successfully

To take control of an enemy planet that must be at 0 figthers in order to land,then from the Options tab click on 'Take control of the planet'.

Mission 19 - Loading planetary missiles

Go to your home world, access Wally Equipments 'missiles' section.

Buy Pluto-S missilesfor the entire AB fleet confirming with the operation 'Take multiple missiles/For all the fleet'.

Mission 18 - Mount missile launcher

It's time to equip every AB with a missile launcher, to make them able to carry Air to Surface missiles.

Just for educational purposes is pobbile for cadets to buy missile launchers at the Academy system.
You can access the structure clicking 'Academy', then select Cadet Upgrades.
The purchase modality is the same as for the scanners: 'Buy' and then 'Take an item for all the fleet'
As before if you followed the instructions and the three AB are alone in a fleet (e.g. 10) you can use 'Take an item for all the fleet', otherwise be careful and don't waste credits.

Mission 17 - It's time to learn combacts

Ok, now that your AB are in a fleet (check it again) and good equipped, go to the Academy sector and look for the enemy ships in the system.

If you can see only a list of the other ships click 'Complete list of other spaceships'.
When you see Bersaglio's ships, click 'Attack fleet' command next his ships.
In the next screen click 'Attack' to confirm.

Annihilate your enemy, good luck Cadet.

Mission 16 - Equip your 3 AB with scanners

Before you can learn something about war, you should equip your Attack Battleships (AB) with a scanner, a device capable to see concealed ships.

Make sure you are controlling the fleet composed only of AB.

Go to your mother system and go to Vladimir Accessories and Upgrades.

Find the scanner label and click 'Buy'.

It's very important not to waste funds you received so make sure only the 3 AB are present in the current fleet before clicking 'Take an item for the whole fleet'.

Otherwise be careful and click 'Take single item', then take control of other AB and repeat the operation.

Mission 15 - Buy and load 3 attack ships

It's time to learn something about war.

Go to the Seatogu space shop and buy 3 Attack Battleship.

Now put your AB in a fleet. It's better to create a new fleet, only composed of AB, a fleet different from Merchant Freighter one, for example fleet nr. 10.

Take control of an AB and go to your planet (leave the other ships where they are, you won't need them).

Land on your planet, then load fighters on your AB with the command 'Load Fleet' corrisponding to 'Fighters' label.

Good luck Cadet.

Mission 14 - Planetary buildings

The heart of any planet are structures that can be built on it.

In this mission you will learn building basics.

Land on your planet and open 'Building' section. Here build structures listed in mission goals (Farm, Common House, Electronics Factory, Fighters Factory) up to level 1, then open Work section and employ 40.000 settlers at the Farm, at the Electronic Factory and at the Fighters Factory, then confirm clicking 'Assign workers'.

WARNING: Make sure not to build wrong structures! If you waste bought resources building wrong structures, then you'll exctract raw materials necessary to complete the mission by your own.
Remember you can only build one contruction at a time.

Mission 13 - Buy resources

Now it's necessary obtain some essential raw materials, when you'll be graduated you will be able to manage them as you want: you could extract them with your fleet or buy them as you're going to do now.

So take control of a MF (the CT can only transport settlers), go in the mother system and dock at the spaceport.

You can buy with a single operation 530 metal, 530 fuel and 170 electronic components, setting the respective text boxes and clicking 'Confirm operation'.

Then go back to your planet, land and unload the resources.

As you unloaded settlers, use (Unload) 'Fleet' command in corrispondence of Metal, Fuel and Electronic Components; you can unload all in a single operation, confirm with 'Submit Query'

WARNING: Load capacity of your current ships maybe too small to complete load in a single try, probably you must do the work with a couple of travels.

Mission 12 - Bring some settlers to your planet

Now that you have a Civilian Transport you should use it to populate your worlds.

Staying in the mother sector click the planet and access Settlers recruitment centre, here bring 40.000 settlers, then go to your planet and unload settlers.

Use (Unload) 'Fleet' located in the 'Settlers' row and confirm with 'Submit Query'

Repeat this operation until there are 120.000 settlers on your planet.

Mission 11 - A ship for Settlers

Your planet is nothing more than a barren uninhabited rock.
To give it some value it's necessary to put make settlers live on it.

To transport settlers through space Seatogu Industries build a ship model named Civilian Transport (CT)
These ships have a high load capacity, only suitable for settlers and no other resources kinds.
Land on your homeworld. Go at Seatogu space shop and buy a Civilian Transport, then go back to the star system and fleet with the other ships.

HOW? The CT you just bought is in fleet 0 (F#0), to add to another fleet write the new fleet number in the 'Add to fleet' box and mark the 'Include controlled ship' check box, then press 'Execute'.

Mission 10 - Learn to grow your planet

Has come the moment to learn how to make your planet grow.
The first step is research technology necessary for basic buildings.

Land on your planet, access Research page and begin these researches:

Agricolture - lvl 1
Electronics - lvl 1
Architecture - lvl 1
Planetary defence - lvl 1

For the first level every research will only need a short time to be completed, it increase with levels growing.
WARNING: you can do only one research a time.

Good luck Cadet.

Mission 9 - Setting hostile fighters

Now that your planet has been created is time to learn a couple of things about security.

A planet, just after creation, has Passive Fighters on it: this way any commander can see ships in the system as well as all the planets.

In passive mode you can suffer attacks as in abandoned systems, moreover planets are vulnerable to some particular kind of weapons.

When Fighters are in hostile mode before someone can attack your ships they must take down all the hostile fighters.

It's like your ships are hidden under your planetary fighters and only special ships will be able to see tham.

To put your fighters in hostile mode land on your planet, go in the Management section and then click 'Invert mode'. Make sure fighters mode is now hostile.

Good luck Cadet.

Mission 8 - Create a planet

Now you'll learn how to create a planet with a Genesis device.
In every system with available orbits you can use these special devices to attract sideral dusts and condense into a livable place.

To buy a Genesis device with the funds you received go to the homeworld system.
Clicking on the planet you will see the shops screen.
Click Wally Equipments and select 'others' section.

Here you can buy a Genesis device.
Click 'Buy' and then, in the confirm screen click 'Buy single item'.
When you've bought the device you must go in the system indicated by the text of the mission, a sector reserved to cadet planets (look for it in the available routes).

In that system you must launch the Genesis device and give your name to the planet.
The launch command for the genesis device is a link in the bottom right panel.

Good luck Cadet!

Mission 7 - Spaceports

Now that you learned how to extract raw materials you must learn how to sell them to make money.

In order to do this you must access a Spaceport.
There are many spaceports in the galaxy, but now you'll use the one orbit in your home world in system.
Click the wheel orbiting in the bottom left of the planet.

You are now at the spaceport, as you can see all goods can be sold or bought.

To go on in load selling click Sell everything and then click Confirm operation, this way you'll sold all the extracted fuel with a single operation.

Good luck Cadet.

Mission 6 - Train your ships in Scientific

As you did in the last mission with the Engineering section train your ships to level 1 in Scientific section

Mission 5 - Train your ships crew in Engineering

The most valuable thing of any star commander is his own ships.
What make the difference between a simple vessel and a unique and valuable one is made by the owner cares for it.

The first step to customize your ship is learn how you can train the equipment.
You can open the 'Crew' simply clicking on the ship name ('Show all your ships' mode must be enabled in order to see ships name's - take a look at the SECOND MISSION for it).

Detailed view of controlled ship, unlike the others, is always visible in the bottom-left box; as for the other ships you can go to his relative 'Crew' page clicking on its name.

The Crew screen is divided into 6 sections, you can train your crew in Command, Navigation, Safety and Tactics, Engineering, Medical, Scientific.

Train a sections brings specific upgrades to your ship, upgrades that grows by increasing train levels.

Click Train to start train.
Meanwhile you must train TWO Merchant Freighter in Engineering level 1, you can then train your ships, in levels bigger than first too.

Good luck Cadet.

EXTRA: Why should I spend time and energy in trainings?
Command: command training increase weapons efficiency of your ship
Navigation: increase navigator range and Bounty Hunter radar range
Safety e Tactics: increase Fighters hangars, shields and armour
Engineering: increase load capacity and metal and fuel extraction rates
Medical: reduce damage caused by alien diseases and increase production rates on production ships
Scientific: increase Dark Matter extraction rates, uTec production and add expansion slots to your ship

Mission 4 - Extract fuel

On top of this page, under the 'Navigator' there is 'Resources'.
There are listed raw materials available in that system and their amount.

Dark matter

Next to every icon there is the amount of that resource and two images used to make the controlled ship extract it or to make all the ships in that fleet extract it.
In this exercise you'll assign all your ships to extract fuel, so click the next to the fuel image and wait for the first extraction.

Every ship has its own extraction rate. MF extract 8 units of metal or fuel per tick and can't extract dark matter. A tick is 20 minutes long and changes at :00, :20, :40 every hour. As explained before raw materials collection occour only during ticks change.

Good luck Cadet.

Mission 3 - Take your fleet in the Academy sector

Now that all your spaceships are in a fleet, they will automatically follow you around the galaxy.
To go on with the missions you must leave HomeWorld system and move to the Academy sector.

To move from a sectors to another beside it you have to understand navigation system.
Every sector is linked to other sectors throught a limited number of navigable routes.
You can see navigable routes available in your system in the top of your screen, next to 'Available routes'.
You can move to another sector by clicking the corrisponding number.

Good luck Cadet.

Mission 2 - Create a fleet

The second step in order to learn how to lead a fleet is understand how to add a ship to a fleet.
Now that you bought your first ships you should see them in the star system.
To see your ships in the star system screen you can use two different layouts: you can see all your ship or just a summary.
In the 'show all ships' mode every ship has its own image, in the summary mode you will only see a list of your ships arranged by vessel class.
In both rapresentations there is a check box next to every ship or every ship class.

In the first part of this mission you must select every ship clicking every checkbox.
Now you must assign a number to the fleet you're creating. To achieve this write for example '1' in the edit box 'Add to fleet number'
Be sure the check box 'Include controlled ship' is marked too.
Then press 'Execute'

Good luck, Cadet.

Mission 1 - Buy 5 Merchant Freighters

It's time to learn how to control a fleet, in order to do this the first step is buy some ships.
The old Seatogu shop sell top quality vessels for all commanders in the galaxy.
You can find it in your race HomeWorld.

By clicking on the planet image you'll access all the stores and the business and governative stuctures.
In the same sector, there also is a disc shaped structure: that's the Spaceport of your HomeWorld but now it's not important.

When you'll be at Seatogu, you'll see a lot of ship kind.
With the credits you received buy 5 Merchant Freighter (MF) ships clicking on 'Multiple items purchase'. Be careful not to waste received credits to buy other kinds of vessels.

Good luck, Cadet!

Get the first mission

Welcome in the space Cadet!
Before you can start this adventure you must follow this training path, composed of 20 quick missions that will lead you to obtain your Star Commander licence.
Every mission goal is introduce you to the game basics: navigation, assign a ship to a fleet, grow a planet as well as the combact basics.

The first thing you should do is write a short presentation in the CLAN CHANNEL so you can have your first mission and its financing.

ps: You can stop this training in any moment: when you'll come back on bridge you'll start from the mission you left.

WarDrome sign up

The first entry in any universe of WarDrome is quick and easy.

You can start the short training at the Space Academy simply by choosing nicknames and race.
To the email address you provide will be sent a password to access the next time.


Diploma finale

graduating (italian)

Missione 20 - Attacco planetario

mission 20th (italian)

Missione 19 - Caricamento dei missili

19th mission (italian)

Missione 18 - Installa i lanciamissili

mission 18th (italian)

Missione 17 - Impara a combattere

mission 17th (italian)

Missione 16 - Equipaggia di scanner le tue AB

Mission 16th (italian)

Missione 15 - Acquista ed arma 3 navi d'attacco

15th mission (italian)

Missione 14 - Costruzioni planetarie

14th mission (italian)

Missione 13 - Acquista risorse

13th mission (italian)

Missione 12 - Popola il pianeta

12th mission (italian)

Missione 11 - Trasporto coloni

Mission 11th (italian)

Missione 10 - Ricerche planetarie

10th mission (italian)

Missione 9 - Caccia ostili

9th mission (italian)

Missione 8 - Genera un pianeta

8th mission (italian)

Missione 7 - Vendi il carico allo Spazioporto

7th mission (italian)

Missione 6 - Addestramento dell'equipaggio in Scientifica

6th mission (italian)

Missione 5 - Addestramento dell'equipaggio in Ingegneria

Mission 5th (italian)

Missione 4 - Estrai carburante

4th mission (italian)

Missione 3 - Recati nel settore Accademia

3rd mission (italian)

Missione 2 - Crea una flotta di navi

2nd Mission (italian)

Ottieni la prima missione

1st mission (italian)

Iscrizione a WarDrome

Subscribe (italian)