
Mission 5 - Train your ships crew in Engineering

The most valuable thing of any star commander is his own ships.
What make the difference between a simple vessel and a unique and valuable one is made by the owner cares for it.

The first step to customize your ship is learn how you can train the equipment.
You can open the 'Crew' simply clicking on the ship name ('Show all your ships' mode must be enabled in order to see ships name's - take a look at the SECOND MISSION for it).

Detailed view of controlled ship, unlike the others, is always visible in the bottom-left box; as for the other ships you can go to his relative 'Crew' page clicking on its name.

The Crew screen is divided into 6 sections, you can train your crew in Command, Navigation, Safety and Tactics, Engineering, Medical, Scientific.

Train a sections brings specific upgrades to your ship, upgrades that grows by increasing train levels.

Click Train to start train.
Meanwhile you must train TWO Merchant Freighter in Engineering level 1, you can then train your ships, in levels bigger than first too.

Good luck Cadet.

EXTRA: Why should I spend time and energy in trainings?
Command: command training increase weapons efficiency of your ship
Navigation: increase navigator range and Bounty Hunter radar range
Safety e Tactics: increase Fighters hangars, shields and armour
Engineering: increase load capacity and metal and fuel extraction rates
Medical: reduce damage caused by alien diseases and increase production rates on production ships
Scientific: increase Dark Matter extraction rates, uTec production and add expansion slots to your ship

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